Sinopsis Drama Special Your Noir
- Judul: 당신의 누아르 / Dangshin-ui Nooahreu
- Genre: Melodrama, romance, action
- Format: Drama Special
- Jumlah episode: 1
- Chanel TV: KBS2
- Masa tayang: 9 Oktober 2013
- Jam tayang: Rabu 23:10
- Hwang Chan Sung sebagai Hyung Joo
- Chae Jung Ahn sebagai Lee Hyun
- Hong Kyung In sebagai Suk Hyun
- Kim Jong Soo (김종수) sebagai Young Kwang
- Min Sung Wook (민성욱) sebagai Choon Mo
Hyung Joo is a new recruit gangster that has just done some time. He meet Prosecutor Han who lets him go since he's small fry. Hyung Joo's boss wants to bring down Prosecutor Han and discovers that he beats his wife habitually. He sticks his men to follow the prosecutor and Hyung Joo follows his wife only to find out that it's his old highschool teacher. The boss tries to use this to his advantage and gets Hyung Joo to get friendly with her, unknowing that he used to have feelings for her and that his past is tied much more closely to her than anyone could imagine.
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- Sinopsis Drama Special Your Noir Part 1
- Sinopsis Drama Special Your Noir Part 2
- Sinopsis Drama Special Your Noir Part 3
- Director: Lee So Yun
- Screenwriter: Kim Wook (김욱)
Info Drama by
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unni ini cerita apaan ??? huaaaa sedihnya pake merica
BalasHapusberi tau siapa sutradaranya KASIH TAU !!!! // tonjok ampe alus//++
unni kapan sinopsis selanjutnya :)
BalasHapusLanjutannya dong mbak penasaran banget nih part 3nya,gomawo